When Lawyers have to pay their client’s Legal Fees
- February 8, 2016
- ckadmin
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Lawyers are subject to a myriad of rules and regulations in their practise of law. What some people may not know is that Judges will sometimes order personal costs orders against lawyers because they don’t like their client’s cases,…

CSI effect on jurors
- January 28, 2016
- ckadmin
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There are growing fears across Australia that Television shows and other Pop-Culture platforms are influencing juries to convict people wrongly. The Effect Explained: The CSI Effect is the idea that media outlets have negatively influenced potential jurors into an…

Be careful what you sue for
- December 21, 2015
- ckadmin
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by Stephen Lucas, Principal Solicitor Kingston Lawyers Here is a bit of advice for our many friends in the REAL ESTATE industry. A recent sad case highlights how sometimes it is better not to pursue small debts. …

Update on Baden-Clay controversy
- December 10, 2015
- ckadmin
by Principal Solicitor Stephen Lucas Perhaps one of the more controversial appeal decisions in Australian Courts this year was that of the Queensland Court of Appeal decision in R v Baden-Clay [2015] QCA 265 delivered on Tuesday this week….

Murder – Methods of Prosecution in the Victorian Legal System
- December 7, 2015
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By Elly McQuinn Many people are unaware of the different types of murder that exist in the Victorian legal system. Here is a brief overview of the various offences which are classified as ‘murder’. Traditional Murder: When most…

- November 23, 2015
- ckadmin
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By Elly McQuinn When we are passionate about an issue, or even attempt to be humorous we sometimes take to social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter or blogging to discuss these feelings to our ‘friends’, or the world at…

How to sue a Practical Joker
- September 8, 2015
- ckadmin
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Interesting historical case about a practical joke which went wrong. In 1897 there was a famous case in England. As a practical joke a man told an unrelated woman that her husband had suffered a very serious accident. He told…

Planning Ahead: What You Need To Know About Prenuptial Agreements
- July 2, 2015
- ckadmin
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By Christopher Tran, Associate Lawyer at Kingston Lawyers Pty. Ltd. The family law jurisdiction can be a traumatic experience. The process can be extremely long, adversarial and incredibly stressful financially and emotionally for all parties involved however much of this can be…

The Silent Epidemic…
- June 4, 2015
- ckadmin
By Ophelia Hollway, Trainee Lawyer at Kingston Lawyers Pty Ltd. For decades, family violence has been a silent epidemic, with one Australian woman being killed every week by a former or current partner. Both the media’s constant focus on ‘stranger…

Divorce, Death and Subpoenas
- March 5, 2015
- ckadmin
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By Stephen Lucas, Principal Director at Kingston Lawyers Pty. Ltd. It is well known that if you receive a subpoena and fail to comply with same you may be arrested. It is also well known in family law proceedings that…