Why did Instagram remove my video?
- March 7, 2017
- ckadmin
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Recently I posted a video with Low by Flo Rida playing in the background. Within seconds of posting the video instagram temporarily removed it. A warning message appeared asking if I had the rights to use the song. If not,…

Common questions regarding Deceased Estates
- March 3, 2017
- ckadmin
- 1 Comment
Question: My Aunt has just died and she had properties & bank accounts both here and in Canada. How do I go about this? Answer: Firstly, if the Estate exceeds $50,000 and you are the named Executor, you must apply…

The Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Bill 2016
- March 1, 2017
- ckadmin
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Prepared by Brian J Tran New data breaches privacy laws As of 13 February 2017, the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Bill 2016 (“the Bill”) was passed. This Bill introduces further changes to our current Privacy legislation effective once formalised…

- February 10, 2017
- ckadmin
- 1 Comment
Australian Family Law is an evolving area of law. A recent decision from December, 2016 of the Full Bench of the Family Court of Australia highlights how much the law has changed even in the last few years. The facts…

Thinking of using photos or text from Google for your work or business? Think again.
- February 9, 2017
- ckadmin
- 1 Comment
Prepared by Brian Tran | Associate Lawyer at Kingston Lawyers On 26 February 2014, the Federal Circuit Court of Australia in the case of Tylor v Sevin [2014] FCCA 445 found against a travel agent who downloaded a photo of…

Do we need a change in Victorian Bail Laws?
- February 6, 2017
- ckadmin
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Currently, if you are arrested and charged you may be held in custody until your hearing. To be released from custody, you must apply for ‘bail’. What is bail? Bail is an undertaking or promise to the Court that in…

Information regarding Jury Duty
- January 30, 2017
- ckadmin
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How do I get selected for Jury Duty? You get selected at total random from the Australian Electoral Role. This essentially means that some people will never get selected, whilst others may get called multiple times. There is no ‘trick’…

Your Rights and the rest….
- January 24, 2017
- ckadmin
- 1 Comment
The Police stopped by my house and I wasn’t home. They left their card and asked my Mum to ask me to give them a call. Do I have to call them back? Put simply, no. You are under no…

Frequently asked Family Law Questions
- January 13, 2017
- ckadmin
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Question: my husband and I have separated but are still amicable. We want to divide our property but we don’t want to go through the court process. We already know what each other is receiving from the split, how can…

Passing-off your goods as someone else’s goods
- December 21, 2016
- ckadmin
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By Brian J Tran | Associate Lawyer Passing-off. What is it, and why bother? Because, it is simply unlawful. Under the Australian law, it is a creature of the common law and its source is not to be…